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EFFECTIVE ON 2018-04-01



有關本公司較早前發出的電郵「電子化分判商糧單申請」,以下是貴 公司的登入資料。

如有任何疑問,可致電 3758 8778 或電郵 contact@chunwo.com 查詢。


Dear Subcontractor,


Further to our email regarding "Electronic Application of Subcontractors Payment", below is the link and your login details.

If you do have any queries, please feel free to contact @ 3758 8778 or email: contact@chunwo.com .


糧單申請網址(Electronic Application Link)



分判商 (Subcontractor) - ALS Technichem (HK) Pty Ltd

登入名稱 (Login)              - CWSC0239

登入密碼 (password)      - CWSC0239


登入二維碼 (Login QR Code)



(1) 用電腦 提交糧單申請 (Apply by PC)   (2) 用行動裝置 提交糧單申請 (Apply by Mobile Device)

         youtu.be/Q2xMEu3Hewk                                  youtu.be/Pg_rxxdBjfM